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Rebel Heart Tour Madator Costumes: The Cape is back!

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Madonna will take two Spanish Matador costumes on her next world tour, designed and produced by Daniel Roqueta in Utebo (Zaragoza). The design process has been done by email, acted through various intermediaries and he did not know who it was for until he completed the assignment.

Madonna decided to use him after seeing a design he made a local Bullfighter Paulita, one of his regular customers. A black and white image with a suit that he had prepared for the Feria del Pilar's in October 2014.

From that snapshot, which received the go-ahead personally by the singer, several pieces were commissioned through the web: a cloak that had to be black, with red and black flowers and the M of its initial embroidered on it, shoulder straps and suspenders for the dancers. Many of his pieces also have the letters R. H. on the back.



Thanks to Oscar

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