sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009



It's a good one!

In addition to dishing about other celebs, Madonna also opens up about more personal issues including her divorce and her children in her latest interview with Rolling Stone.

Here are some HIGHlights:

On her divorce from director Guy Ritchie:

"…challenging…I'm very grateful that I had work to do. I may have thrown myself off a building."

On her sons Rocco and David spending time in the UK:

"Life is an adjustment. My sons aren't with me right now, they're with their father, and I'm not very comfortable with the idea of my children not living together."

On her multicultural staff:

"My house is like a Benetton ad. I have French nannies, my security guards are Israeli, I have assistants from Argentina and Puerto Rico as well as a Japanese assistant and chef, and another chef from Italy. It's wonderful I love it."

On her son David being her "biggest fan:"

"Everybody says that when he watches [my concerts], he stays frozen from beginning to end, and he studies everything, and he knows every dance step."


It sounds like she's doing well after quite a life transition this year.

But if anyone knows anything about picking yourself up and reinventing your life, it's Madonna!

And we think she's making some fine choices - especially Jesus Luz!

With her tour finally complete and her album, Celebration, enjoying a comfortable spot on the charts, Madonna has been doing a lot of press lately. (not that she in anyway needs to promote herself)

In her newest interview for Rolling Stone, Madge opens up about three of our favorite topics: Lady GaGa, Justin Timberlake, and dumb bitches who don't know a great thing when they seem'em! Plus, some other fun little tidbits about her early years. Here's a piece of the interview:

"On Lady GaGa: "I see myself in Lady Gaga. When I saw her, she didnt have a lot of money for her production. she's got holes in her fishnets, and there's mistakes everywhere. It was kind of a mess, but I can see that she has that IT Factor. It's nice to see that at a raw stage"

On her biggest hits: "I've never been a good judge of what things are going to be huge or not. The songs that I think are the most retarded songs I've written, like "Cherish" and "Sorry", a pretty big hit off my last album, end up being the biggest hits. "Into the Groove" is another song I feel retarded singing, but everybody seems to like it."

On Justin Timberlake : "Justin is a brilliant songwriter. I mean, "What Goes Around…..Comes Around?" Brilliant. I thought it would be a challenge to work with him. He's sort of a Cary Grant. I love him. I love working with him."

On who's TURNED HER DOWN : "I wanted to work with Eminem. I don't think he wanted to work with me. Maybe he's shy."

On her 80's hairstyles & looks: "It's ok. It was the 80's. It was a bad haristyle era. Let's face it. "

On Growing up : "I was a geek in high school. I didn't really have a drink until my first divorce"

The biggest challenge of her career? : "Working on EVITA. It's a whole different singing sensibility. I had to seriously work with a vocal coach"

On the first 3 concerts she saw : "My first show was David Bowie. My second show was Elton John. And my third was Bob Marley! Not bad, right?"

Loves it! And thank God Eminem turned her down!

Not even remotely good enough to share a track with Madge!


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