It’s show day!!!!
Goodmorning Europe! The day that you were all waiting for is finally here!
Yesterday it was the final dress rehearsal, and some very lucky people (mostly friends/family of the crew) were there and saw the whole show!
Watch Nicki Richards' bubble tweet from the dressing room, only a couple of hours before the show kicks off! Don't you guys all love Nicki?? We do!! And her diamond eyelashes (à la Hung Up) as well!
If you don't want any SPOILERS don't read the rest of the story!
Setlist and photos added!
(constantly updated)
As rumoured earlier, Heartbeat, Borderline and Hung Up are replaced by "Holiday" (possibly mashed up with "Everybody" and "Billie Jean" - a tribute to Michael Jackson), a rock version of "Dress you Up" (hope to see that sparkly pink Gibson SG again!) and a dance version of Frozen (probably with some beats of "Open your heart").
Photos taken by ICONER George
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