"Madonna’s age is not her problem. It’s your own problem. It’s the mindset some have that women of a..."
“Madonna’s age is not her problem. It’s your own problem. It’s the mindset some have that women of a certain age should act a certain way, look a certain way and talk a certain way. In fact, if you have a problem with Madonna and what she does, it’s only your problem that you’ve created in your mind. There’s no rule book that says that on a certain magical date you must suddenly stop wearing clothes that you like and must suddenly wear clothes that you don’t like because society says so. The truth is, society doesn’t get to say so. This isn’t a woman who’s chasing trends, this is a woman who starts them. If you think she’s going to listen to the countless talking heads droning on about how a woman should live her life, then you’ve clearly been living under a rock the last 30+ years.”- Kyle McMahon - Huffington Post (via madonnasexwithme)
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