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Kimmy's top 10 reasons for doing yoga...this is not your normal list!

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Kimmy's top ten reasons to do yoga everyday:

10. Celebrities do it.
Maybe this should be number one. The power we give to celebrities in mind-numbing, but if it helps us adopt a healthier, more healthy life-style, then what the heck. Thanks Madonna for being such a stellar role-model! LOL.

9. It releases unwanted gas.
I highly recommend this pose before any date.

8. People will think you are spiritual. conducted a survey to understand why some people are inhibited from practicing yoga. The survey indicates that an overwelming 57% of people survey think that it involves mantra and chanting that are about worship. So, you can be conniving, soul-less son of a bitch, but if you practice yoga, people will THINK you are on the path to enlightenment.

7. You can easily camouflage yourself in a forest.
No description needed.
6. Your sex life will improve.
That's impressive, if you know what I mean.

5. It's so easy, a baby can do it.
Many people are intimidated by advanced yoga poses. (Like the ones shown above.) But really, now. If babies can do it, so can you.

4. It's so easy, even dogs can do it.
Gotta love yogadogz and their yoga dogs. Don't let a dog out-yoga you!

3. You can do it with a partner.

2. You can defy gravity.
Everyone would love to be able to fly! Superman would have nothing on you! Except for the tights and cape.

1. Yogi Bear could be your guru.
You could learn over 500 ways to unsuccessfully steal a picnic basket and learn how to have the cutest sidekick in town.


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