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Madonna on dating: men my age are grumpy, fat & balding

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Yesterday, CB covered Madonna's appearance on The Late Show on Wednesday night. Madonna showed off her latest incarnation - she's still the self-absorbed Madge that we know and love (sort of) but with some added improvements (the chicken cutlet cheeks) and a new look. Even though I think Madonna's plastic surgery looks totally painful - and I think during her appearance on Letterman, she was even wincing in pain as she tried to smile - I rather like Madge's new look. I think she's aiming for sultry cougar, bypassing matronly for a kind of kitschy, updated, fabulous Eva Peron look.

Anyhoodle, the reason Madge is making all of these media appearances is to promote her greatest hits album. So it makes sense that she would stop in Ryan Seacrest's radio show to talk about all of the latest pop culture junk, and Madge's own views on dating:

Always one to speak her mind, Madonna had some words of wisdom for Kanye West when she called in to Ryan Seacrest's LA radio show on Thursday.

When the subject turned to the rapper's abrupt outburst during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the VMAs, the 51-year-old superstar said she thought Kanye's actions were "impulsive" and told Seacrest she would like to "give him a good talking to" and says "he needs to put a lid on it."

The material girl, who's dating 22-year-old model Jesus Luz, had no problem telling 34-year-old Seacrest that he was much too old for her.

"Younger people are more adventurous. Have you met many guys my age?" she said. "They're usually grumpy and fat and balding."

So how young is too young?

"As long as they're old enough to dress themselves, they're good enough," she told Seacrest.

Madonna also talked about her body, revealing that when she looks in the mirror, she's not always happy with what she sees.

"My body is part of my job. I look in the mirror and say 'more work…less cake, more work.'"

Hmmm, if Madonna thinks she looks bad, what does that say for the rest of us?

[From Radar]

Yikes. "As long as they're old enough to dress themselves, they're good enough"? Seriously? No, she must have been joking, it just didn't come across that way on the cold, hard transcript. But for all of those who enjoy claiming misogyny with regards to Madge and her boy-toys, imagine if a 50-year-old man had said that, even in jest. There would be a major controversy. As far as her comments about her body - well, evidently, Madge looks in the mirror and thinks "more gristle needed". I wish she would put a few pounds on, though. It would soften her… but Madge has no interest is being "soft" in any way.

Madonna is shown on Letterman on 9/30/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

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