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Madonna: Her Top 10 Most Offensive Moments

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Madonna got jeered recently at a concert in Romania for backing Gypsies. We didn't even know the Gypsies were still around! We thought it was something they made up for Disney cartoons. Gypsies? In this day and age?

Well, the Gypsies are very real, and whatever you do, don't mention them in Romania, or people will go crazy. They will go nuts even if you're Madonna… or especially if you're Madonna. For us, her comments wouldn't even rank in the top 20 offensive things she's done. Madonna's done some pretty offensive stuff in her career, and the Romanians never gave up on her. But support the Gypsies? That's a deal breaker. Here are 10 things Madonna has done that should have offended Romanians far more than supporting gypsies.

10. Making Out With Britney
At the 2003 Video Music Awards, Madonna was performing with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera when she started making out with them. Was she really making out with them, or was she trying to drain them of their life source?

9. Collecting African Babies As A Hobby
Madonna has a running contest with Angelina Jolie to see who can collect the most African babies. Child welfare even dropped by to check out Madonna's pad, to make sure everything was kosher. Surprisingly, it checked out.

madonna and child

8. Going As A Nun And The Pope For Halloween With Guy Ritchie
Seeing as how much Madonna ticked off the Pope, you would think she would avoid doing anything related to Catholics. At the very least, she could have made it funny, or something. Why not the ever-popular priest and altar boy costume?


7. Making Out With Black Jesus In The "Like a Prayer" Video
Now, this video caused so much of an uproar when it came out, for all sorts of reasons. Madonna forgot the number one rule of making out with Jesus: Jesus is a white American.

6. Dating Michael Jackson
Oh yeah, they went on a few dates. We're not sure who's slumming it more, here. Michael or Madonna? You decide.


5. Playing Eva Peron in a Movie
They finally make a film version of the musical about one of the strongest female characters to ever live, and she gets portrayed by… Madonna? You mean Cher wasn't available?


4. Making out with A-Rod

Really? A-Rod? The tabloids were all abuzz with talk of Madonna and A-Rod getting busy. We knew Madonna wasn't much for taste, but Guy Ritchie suddenly looks like a step up. Why not just make out with everyone? Oh, wait. You did.

3. Crucifying Herself On A Giant Tile Cross
Just what kind of statement are you trying to make here, Madonna? You're a tortured savior who had some extra materials after renovating your bathroom? You're so, so misunderstood.


2. Almost Playing Frida Kahlo In A Movie
It's true. While Selma Hayek was making her movie about Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, two other movies were also in the works, one starring J-Lo, and one starring Madonna. Fortunately, Selma Hayek won. That might be the only time you ever hear that sentence in your entire lifetime.


1. Making Out With Everyone In The "Sex" book
Apparently, the only ones she didn't make out with in the book were the Romanians, or maybe they wouldn't be so mad about the Gypsies thing. (Chances are, she did make out with Gypsies in the book.)

77543_madonna__sex_book_10_122_1150lo1Madonna: Her Top 10 Most Offensive Moments

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