sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2015

Footage of Madonna dancing at the University of Michigan c....

Footage of Madonna dancing at the University of Michigan c. 1976.

“She was an excellent student, very disciplined. She got into many major dances that we did that would normally not even cast undergraduates, much less a freshman. One of the highlights for me was the duet that I made for her with Josh Cabot. Which is male/female confrontation: face to face. 

It was sexual, she has to roll on him and be on her hands and confront him. She really uses all the power she had then to do it. She was very, very small, I bet she weighed less than 100 lbs. And so she didn’t have a lot of power and strength, there’s a softness and a vulnerability that’s really beautiful that comes out. 

There’s no question in my mind that she would have been a professional dancer if she had wanted to have gone that route.” - Elizabeth Bergmann, Dance Professor at the University of Michigan.

via @notiun

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