quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010


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By Hollie McKay

The A-listers are just a few of the stars who shared intimate details and their favorite advice in a new celebrity self-help book.

Demi Moore, Madonna and Cameron Diaz all weigh in on relationships in a new advice book.
Stars like Demi Moore, Madonna and Cameron Diaz might be better known for entertaining the masses in front of the lens, but these Hollywood A-listers have now put pen to paper and contributed handwritten notes to a new sex/dating/relationships advice book entitled "That's What SHE Said: Women Reveal What Men Really Need to Know," compiled by former "Punk'd" producer, T.J Jefferson.

So guys, want to know what it takes to get Demi Moore between the sheets?

"If you want to get our clothes off focus on what you're giving, not on what you can get! You may be able to score once - but we can smell the stink of selfish desires a mile away and are not interested," Moore wrote. "Women are caretakers by nature, don't take it for granted. The romance we are looking for comes from being appreciated."

Meanwhile, Madonna, of course, expressed her desire for female domination - but if you ever get the chance to get up close and personal with the "Material Girl,"don't forget to tell her she's hot.

"Women are here to smash man's ego, plain and simple. Accept this and life will be better," she scrawled. "Also women like it when men tell them they look nice. If you want more than that you will have to pay for it."

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/05/12/exclusive-demi-moore-madonna-cameron-diaz-share-relationship-secrets-new-book/?test=faces

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